The Benefits of Drinking From A Water Distiller

The Benefits of Drinking From A Water Distiller

Did you know that the tap water we drink from is not as “clean” as we thought it would be? Tap water is contaminated with a lot of chemicals making it unsafe for us to drink it. Besides, there surely are residues of metal, chlorine, herbicides, and even pesticides. How unpleasant is that?  

Imagine consuming those chemicals and impurities every single day! After learning how unpleasant the tap water is, you will not want to go back to drinking tap water ever again.

Benefits/ Advantages of Water Distiller & Distilled Water

  • Reduced harmful contaminants and impurities 

These contaminants may not be harmful right away, but it may cause serious health issues in the long run. The bacteria found in the tap water could come from waste products that lead to diseases such as Salmonella causing one to obtain symptoms such as fever and diarrhea. Salmonella bacteria typically live in human or animal intestines that are shed through feces.

  • Distilled water cleanses and improves the health of the body

Once you start drinking distilled water you will never go back to tap water. You are basically consuming pure water with no other unwanted additives in it. Distilled water helps improve your bodily functions and ensures the body avoids problems including heart attacks or stroke. Distilled water generally cleanses the body by promoting healthy kidney function. This means that distilled water would reduce the risk of one getting kidney stones.

Additionally, tap water contains a high fluoride level which may be harmful to the body once too much exposure takes place. Too much exposure of fluoride to the teeth may cause a brown staining effect.

  • Water is purified without the need for any chemicals 

So, you may question, how does distilling of water works? Distillation is carried out by evaporation. The contaminated water is heated and forms steam. Those inorganic compounds and large non-evaporative molecules such as metal are left behind as residue. The smaller bacteria are usually removed and killed throughout the process of boiling in the water distiller. The steam then cools down and forms purified water through condensation.

Normally, water distillers carry out natural processes of water distillation without the need for any chemicals for example like how some countries use liquified chlorine to clean it. It is naturally done through the boiling of water into steam and collecting the condensation which is the distilled water.

However, distilled water may taste flat due to the lack of minerals for example calcium, magnesium, and such, after distillation. If you are not bothered by the taste of the water, distilled water is perfect for you!

To conclude, the main benefits of drinking distilled water are reducing the risks of health and improves bodily functions. Keen on purchasing a water distiller? We have a variety of water distillers up for sale. So, what are you waiting for? Head over to to grab yourself a water distiller!

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