Introduction to Bird Control Spikes

Introduction to Bird Control Spikes

What are anti-bird spikes?

Bird spikes are available in a variety of sizes and materials. It is a simple device that keeps birds from perching or roosting on flat surfaces. Spike systems are made up of many rows of thin, slightly flexible rods arranged at varied angles in a base. Pigeon spikes are never sharp and will never damage birds. They are always dull, completely safe, and gentle. When you come into contact with the spikes, it is unpleasant, but it is never painful or harmful. The spikes’ sole purpose is to prevent the birds’ feet from reaching the flat surface; without a footing, the birds will be unable to roost. You may feel good about using bird spikes to safeguard your property.

How do bird spikes work?

Bird spikes are used to keep birds away from good roosting locations. They have a slender, flexible base with stainless steel spikes emerging from them. Bird spikes aren’t meant to cause harm to birds. The spikes are blunt, preventing damage to birds and employees who are installing them. Instead, the spikes are close together, making it difficult for huge birds to land.

Where should you install bird spikes?

Bird spikes can be used in several medium-pressure settings where large birds gather. Since the spikes come in a range of lengths and can be shaped to fit practically any surface, they will work well as a barrier on many high surfaces where birds gather. You may need to purchase numerous widths of bird spikes to meet the measurements of different sections of your building if you want to use them in the following areas. Spikes for birds are ideal for: 

Eaves, Parapet walls, I-beams, Ledges, Balcony, Aircon Ledge, Overhangs, Pipes, Awinings, Window Sills, Signages and Rooflines.

The advantages of bird spikes for effective pest bird control

Bird spikes offer a variety of benefits that make them useful in a variety of situations, making them popular among many businesses. Bird spikes are also efficient against large birds in medium bird weight areas and enable humane bird control. Installing it is simple. Long-lasting and durable, barriers with low visibility, spikes that are closely spaced to avoid debris build-up built with a curved surface in mind, it has a flexible base. For a range of surfaces, it is available in a number of spikes, lengths and materials.

What to Consider When Buying Bird Spikes?

The advantages and disadvantages of both plastic bird spikes and stainless steel plastic spikes are highlighted. Plastic spikes, which are made of polycarbonate, are more long lasting than stainless steel spikes. 

When installing bird spikes in a business environment, keep in mind that stainless steel spikes are less visible to customers. Stainless steel spikes are significantly wider than plastic spikes, with each strip covering eight inches, making them a better alternative for covering a larger area.

Our Anti-Bird Spike is easy to install and can be accomplished using glue, screws, tape, or cable wire. However, for difficult-to-reach areas such as rooftops, signboards, and other areas, we have a specialized staff. For a quotation on Professional Installation Service, please contact us. 

Bird spikes are available in both plastic and stainless steel. The only difference between the stainless-steel and plastic bird spikes is that the stainless-steel version is less noticeable, although both protect ledges.

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